Publications-- Publicaties |
2020 |
Quilts & Crafts Simply Moderne |
Simply Moderne # 21 2018 |
U.S.A. |
2019 |
Art'in Lima, catalogue |
Ponte de Lima |
Portugal |
2018 |
Art Quilts Unfolding, Schiffer |
ISBN 978-0-7643-5626-1 |
U.S.A. |
2018 |
Patchwork Professional |
Quilt-Textilkunst 01-2018 |
Germany |
Masters Art Quilts Vol. 2, Lark Crafts |
ISBN 978-1-60059-599-8 |
500 Art Quilts, Lark Books |
ISBN 978-1-60059-058-0 |
2014 |
Twentse Welle Magazine |
Oct. 2014 |
The Netherlands |
2013 |
Art Quilts in Nederland |
ISBN 978-90-663-0044-6 |
The Netherlands |
2012 |
Art Quilt Portfolio ( The Natural World ) |
ISBN 978-1-60059-928-6 |
U.S.A. |
2011 |
Finches |
The Netherlands |
Wrestlers 1 |
The Netherlands |
Wrestlers 2 |
The Netherlands |
2010 |
EXNA 4 |
Neufchâtel |
Zwitserland |
2009 |
SAQA Journal |
winter 2009 |
U.S.A. |
2007 |
Zestig Plus + / Duo / Duo |
ISBN 90-72971-95-1 |
The Netherlands |
Dutch Quilts in beeld |
ISBN 978-90-78376-01-9 |
The Netherlands |
Leslie Gabriëlse, a portrait! |
ISBN 978-90-77075-37-1 |
The Netherlands |
The Quintessential Quilt |
Houston TX |
U.S.A. |
Fiberarts april/may 2007 |
magazine |
U.S.A. |
Pulchri |
magazine nr. 2 2007 |
The Netherlands |
Textil Forum |
magazine 02 2007 |
Germany |
Watermark Coastline Art Gallery |
Huntington Beach CA |
U.S.A. |
2005 |
Art Quilts ( a celebration ) |
ISBN 1-57990-711-3 |
U.S.A. |
2003 |
Quilt National 2003 |
ISBN 1-57990-503-x |
U.S.A. |
2002 |
Handwerken plus |
The Netherlands |
Pulchri blad nr. I |
The Nethelands |
2001 |
Fullerton Visions / Permanent collection |
U.S.A. |
2000 |
Les Nouvelles du Patchwork |
nr. 66 |
France |
2000 |
project for 1000 children |
ISBN 90-70001-18-7 |
The Netherlands |
Les Nouvelles du Patchwork |
magazine |
La France |
1999 |
Quilts in Bloom |
ISBN 00-01120-1196-96 |
Germany |
Fiberarts Design Book Six |
ISBN 0-937274-86-0 |
U.S.A. |
1998 |
Visions Quilt Expressions |
ISBN 1-55853-678-7 |
U.S.A. |
CBK Rotterdam maandblad |
The Netherlands |
FiberArts vol. 24 no.5 |
magazine |
U.S.A. |
1997 |
European Art Quilts |
ISBN 90-70962-31-4 |
The Netherlands |
Cito Toetssteen / textiele opleiding |
The Netherlands |
Multiculturele Kunstmanifestatie Rotterdam |
The Netherlands |
1996 |
Visions Quilt Art Catalogue |
ISBN 1-57120 021 5 |
U.S.A. |
1995 |
Quilt National Cataloque |
ISBN 0-93727 485 2 |
U.S.A. |
1994 |
Les-ideeen voor textiele onderwijs |
The Netherlands |
1992 |
Basisschool-leraar opleiding (uitg. Cantecleer) |
The Netherlands |
1991 |
Bronbundel voor het Eindexamen |
The Netherlands |
Aanbiedingstekst voor het Eindexamen |
The Netherlands |
1990 |
Bronbundel voor het Eindexamen |
The Netherlands |
Aanbiedingstekst voor het Eindexamen |
The Netherlands |
1987 |
Textiel 1987 (Stichting Goed Handwerken) |
The Netherlands |
Art Forum Newsletter |
Rancho Santiago College, CA |
U.S.A |
1986 |
Patchwork Quilt Book |
ISBN 3-923916 03 05 |
Germany |
1985 |
Vogelvlucht (KLM Australia Post) |
The Netherlands |
Cypress College Calendar, California |
U.S.A. |
Television-interview KRO |
The Netherlands |
1984 |
Leslie Gabriëlse Applikatie (uitg. Cantecleer) |
ISBN 90-213 00 192 |
The Netherlands |
Beeldende Vorming I (editie 01,1984 ) |
The Netherlands |
1983 |
Goed Handwerk (editie 02, 1983) |
The Netherlands |
1982 |
COSA: Scheppend Ambacht (editie 12, 1982) |
The Netherlands |
Bij de Hand (editie 08, 1982) |
The Netherlands |
1981 |
Handwerken (Geïllustreerde Pers, editie 08) |
The Netherlands |
1979 |
Handwerken (Geïllustreerde Pers, editie 11) |
The Netherlands |
1977 |
Beeldpraat 9 |
The Netherlands |
Textiel ? 1977 Rotterdam |
The Netherlands |
Textilkunst 2 (editie 06, 1977) |
Germany |
1976 |
Beeldpraat 2/3 |
The Netherlands |
Textiles Appliques Musee Chateau d' Annecy |
La France |
1974 |
Triënnale werken in Textiel 3 Haarlem |
The Netherlands |